It’s not a blog! I just decided to start using my website as a place to store some of my mildly amusing observations. For example, I’ve been doing that standup comedy thing for a year now and I could’ve been blogg– er, writing about it the whole time! Like the time I had two near-panic attacks at the 2019 Rooster T. Feather’s New Talent Competition and still went up and had a decent set. On Facebook, I saw a photo of the scoresheet submitted by a fellow comedian’s friend. She ranked me 2 out of 10, which I disagree with. The pop I got (rasslin’ term – oh, yes, I do have a joke about rasslin’) for my Maroon Cinco joke alone should’ve gotten me a 3. Psssh.

I’ll write more about that experience (and much more) later on. In the meantime, I’m going to play around with some themes and see what I like. Oh, how about that dog photo? I have a whole bunch of Adobe Stock images burning a whole in my… whatever. Go check out Unsplash, too!